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As of January 2019 the British Canoeing 1* course has been disbanded.

Click here to view the new British Canoeing Discover Award taking its place.

The One Star is the first British Canoe course, with a national certification for successful candidates. Your One Star will take place on the fabulous Beaulieu River Nature Reserve a special site of scientific interest and stunning area for your first paddle.

For a BC one star canoe and kayak course you do not need any experience in paddle sports but you will need to be fit enough for a full day’s activity. The course will include a journey in Kayaks, along with a coaching session in Open Canoes

More Information

We supply all the equipment you’ll need on the water. In comfortable stable boats your course will cover.

  • Equipment & set-up
  • Basic canoe and kayak skills
  • Journeying
  • Capsize & rescue
  • What’s your next step

This course will answer lots of the question you’ll have as you get into this fantastic sport, where to go, what to do and what to do if you fall in.


Come dressed for the weather conditions on the day of your activity


All activities/courses are led by our experienced coaches


Under 18's

Under 18’s need written parental consent before they can take part in an activity.

Get in Touch

Got a question? Get in touch with our booking office and we’ll be happy to help.

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