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3 Star Sea Kayak Training

Three star awards are discipline specific, its at this stage that you can specialise into the bit of the sport you enjoy the most. Training courses take place in a moderate sea environment, you’ll be paddling in the waves to develop your boat handling and rescue skills.

We will meet in Beauileu, Hampshire, on the first day where we will go through planning and navigation work and personal skills on the Beaulieu River. The second day will be spent either in Dorset or Hampshire and you’ll be involved in planning and completing 3 star trip.

You will need to show you have logged experience on the sea including journeys.

More Information

Under the expert guidance of your coach you’ll enjoy paddling sea kayaks as you work through the techniques at 3 star.

Skills covered throughout the course include; Planning and preparation, interpreting tidal & weather forcasts, equipment & its uses, group management, sea kayak handling & technique, journeying & problem solving, safety & rescue

Please read the 3 star syllabus and come prepared for the training

Tips For Your Trip


Come dressed for the weather conditions on the day of your course



All activities guided by experienced instructors


Under 18's

Under 18’s need written parental consent

Book Now

Book early to guarantee you place


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